Helena Peterson
Helena Peterson is 17 years old, a junior in high school, and attends St. Johs River State College as a dual enrollment student. She studies voice with Dr. Jonathan Bassett of Florida College and Ms. Regina Torres of Jacksonville. Some of her most recent roles include Mrs. Potts in Beauty and the Beast at Bartram Trail High School, a Nun in Bold City Opera’s production of Suor Angelica, Hortensia in Bartram Trail High Schools production of Matilda, and a member of the ensemble of First Coast Opera’s production of Die Fledermaus.
Helena has received both FVA district and state awards and was recently awarded Superior with Honors for both her classical and musical theater solos at the state event. She has participated in numerous NATS competitions, qualifying two years in a row for the National rounds and making it to the quarterfinal round with her classical solos. She plans to pursue Vocal Performance in college.